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  • fangirlsonair

The Harrison-Clapton Drama…

Last week Luna and I played music by artists who left their bands and went solo.

Two artists I chose were George Harrison and Eric Clapton, who happen to have been friends. Look at them chilling together:

What do they have in common? Sure they are both rock legends. Both British. They were great friends or at least they were until the drama…

As I was creating the episode’s playlist, little did I know about the love drama between Harrison and Clapton!

Sorry, let me rephrase that. They were not in love with each other. They were both in love with Pattie Boyd. George Harrison met her on the set of the Beatles’ movie, “The Yellow Submarine.” She was one of the extras. Later they got married. Eric Clapton, one of his close friends at the time, began forming romantic feelings for Pattie…They were once caught talking alone and boy was Harrison not fond of that.

It’s said that Patty inspired the song Gorge Harrison wrote for the Beatles called, “Something”.

That wasn’t the only song written for Pattie. Eric Clapton wrote his famous hit (and my personal favorite) song called “Layla.

Clapton shared the song with her and told her he wrote it for her. Patty remained married to Harrison for years after that moment, but later, her marriage to Harrison fell apart and she got together with Eric Clapton. Unfortunately, that all ended when Pattie experienced fertility issues and discovered Eric Clap was having a child with another woman! Talk about the drama!

I’m honestly thinking of turning this love story into a historical, rock and roll, drama mini-series. Would you watch it?

Trust me, the soundtrack would be incredible.

Check out the full drama story here!

-Maya M.

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